A: 쌤, 회의는 어땠어요? 잘됐나요?
Sam, How was your meeting? Did it go well?
B: 네. 그런 것 같아요. 제가 없는 동안 전화 온 데 있나요?
Yes. I guess. Is there a message while I was out?
A: 네. 루씨로부터 메시지가 있어요.
Yes. Luci left a message for you.
그녀가 토요일에 약속을 지키지 못하겠다고 하더군요.
She said She cannot make it on saturday.
B: 이런! 이유를 말하던가요?
oh. Did she say why?
A: 갑자기 무슨 일이 생겼다고만 했어요.
She just said somthing unexpected came up.
두 분이 무슨 계획이라도 있었나요?
Did you two have plans?
B: 네. 파티에 함께 가기로 했었죠.
Yeah. we were supposed to go to a party togegher.
A: 안됐군요.
That's too bed.
B: 상대가 없어서 어떡하지?
What am I going to do without a date!