상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

영어성경 요한복음 1장 2절 설명 및 분석.

기도에의 모험

by 이현민 (지후지율아빠) 2008. 3. 7. 23:24


John 1장 2절
He was with God, in the beginning.
그가 태초에 하나님과 함께 계셨고

*다른 표현 :
=He was in the beginning with God. = He was present originally with God.
=This is the One who was in the beginning with God.

*God 하나님
=the Almighty [God] = God Almighty
=Providence = the Divine [Being, or Father] = the Divinity = the Deity
=the Ultimate
=the Eternal = the Infinite [Being]
=the Supreme [Being] =the Being]
=the [Divine] Creator = eternal Creator
=everlasting Father(tk9:6)
=the self-existing


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