Runs a command without hangups.
nohup Command [ Arg ... ] [ & ]
The nohup command runs the command specified by the Command parameter and any related Arg parameters, ignoring all hangup (SIGHUP) signals. Use the nohup command to run programs in the background after logging off. To run a nohup command in the background, add an & (ampersand) to the end of the command.
Whether or not the nohup command output is redirected to a terminal, the output is appended to the nohup.out file in the current directory. If the nohup.out file is not writable in the current directory, the output is redirected to the $HOME/nohup.out file. If neither file can be created nor opened for appending, the command specified by the Command parameter is not invoked. If the standard error is a terminal, all output written by the named command to its standard error is redirected to the same file descriptor as the standard output.
[출처] [본문스크랩] nohup - 백그라운드로 프로그램 돌리기|작성자 겨우리
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